Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Curtains Are Complete

I completed the curtains, yes! They were so much easier than I thought they'd be, if I'm honest. I'm sure there are many people out there that start sewing curtains as their first project, rather than one a few years down the line, but I guess that I can now tick them off of my sewing list.

They don't let the light in, and they match well with the colours of the walls (as you can see here!) so I guess as curtains go, they're pretty successful. Tom seemed pretty happy with them.

So next up I'm going to start sewing for autumn/winter. I know it seems early but I don't have much time to sew! Also I'm thinking of sewing a shirt for Nathan once I can get my hands on a pattern. I don't really have the time to draft one now it's September, so I might buy one. Are there any good ones out there?


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