Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Tall Girl Problems: Midi Skirt Edit

So last week I posted about making a long skirt into a small skirt for a tall person, if you get me! This is the skirt folded to roughly the length that I want it to be, and there's a lot of extra fabric which is usable.

I found some designer inspiration on Pinterest.

I really like this but I think in some fabrics it would look very DIY and obviously homemade - and not the good type! What springs to mind is amateur versions of designer pieces made in quilting cotton - which I don't know about you, but I despise. If it's a quilt, make it in quilting cotton. If it's clothing, just don't. I'm begging you!

Ideally, like the image here, I would like to make the decorations in the same fabric as the piece of clothing, but considering there's a lot of gathering in the embellishments I don't think I'm going to have enough fabric.

So, to the fabric box - I really hope I can find a similar grey to this, but I'm not holding out for grey in my crazily patterned fabric collection!

So I need to find another appropriate colour and get to work...but what fabric will make it look professional and sophisticated!


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