Why! Why are they doing this? I'm about to have a breakdown!
It's hard enough buying clothes in my size that I like as it is, without having to deal with (dun dun durrrrnnn, trumpets, drum roll please) pattern mismatching! (I apologise to New Look, I'm not singling them out, it just happened to be the only shop I could get to within my free time.)
Fellow seamspeople out there, don't you feel it too? The first thing you're told when it comes to sewing patterned fabric is to always MATCH UP THE PATTERNS. And every mistake you make from that point gets to you, every time you see the pattern mismatch that you should have taken the time to fix it annoys you, right?
I am presuming that it is a saving money strategy as surely the designers at the top wouldn't design such a thing? Saving money I understand, but surely when the money saving designs drive people away from buying them, that makes it counter productive?
Rant over. On with the sewing.
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